10 Steps to a Minimalist Home

Minimalist home design steps
Custom Homes

The beauty of modern architecture is the ability to make things feel more spacious than they actually are. No longer do we need to have sprawling homes over two blocks of land to feel as though we’ve got enough space. In fact, minimalist home design is fast growing in popularity. And we get it.

The appeal of having less stuff for a more simplistic life, less space to keep clean—what’s not to love? If you’re looking to build a minimalist home for yourself, here’s the best approach for minimalist home design.

1 Think about the bare minimum you need for your family.

A tiny house isn’t going to suit you if you’ve got six children! Minimalism is about cutting back any unnecessary space so think about what you need realistically and start there.

2 Storage solutions are your new best friend.

Do some research and look through all the creative storage solutions that help to make the most of smaller spaces. Chat with your architect and nut out how you’re going to approach your new home. Hot tip? Build into the walls to minimise the need for shelving.

3 Quality over Quantity is your new motto.

Clutter is the nemesis of the minimalist so instead of having loads of stuff in your home, choose a few things that you love and use often.

4 Think in terms of what you need.

Minimalism is all about what you need and culling anything that isn’t a necessity. If you can live without it, get rid of it.

5 Go through your current home, one room at a time.

It can be a little overwhelming to simplify an entire house so approach it one room at a time. You might like to put a label on things to help you sort them—a green sticker on anything you’re keeping and a red sticker on anything you’re getting rid of.

6 Don’t forget about your wardrobe and closets.

It’s amazing how much unnecessary stuff can accumulate out of sight. Be ruthless with your wardrobe and send anything that’s not absolutely essential to the Salvo’s or St Vinnies to find a new home.

7 Clear the walls, the floors and all flat surfaces.

Besides from a couple of simple pieces of artwork and maybe a mirror, your walls should be empty and your floors should be completely clear. No knickknacks or paraphernalia on the shelves or benches. Of course, a home with nothing to decorate would be a little dull so opt for simple solution. For example instead of having a coffee table covered in knickknacks and books, opt for a simple vase full of fresh flowers.

8 Everything has its place.

In a minimalist home design there is a place for everything. Once you’ve decluttered, designate exactly where everything will live.

9 Keep your colours subdued.

A splash of brightness is okay but keep to mostly neutral or natural colour tones that don’t jar the eye. Earthy tones such as browns, blues, greens and tans—and of course white—are best.

10 Avoid complex patterns.

Clutter extends to visual clutter so complex patterns are best avoided. Stick with solid colours in a subdued palate.


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